Music and Farm, The Cycle of Life

Rick and Lavinia Ross Farm & Music Newsletter for February 2018

Our feature photo this month is of the first crocus of the season, which emerged on February 13th.    The delicately striped goblet and bright orange-gold stamens made a particularly pleasing image this month.  Early heralds of the coming spring, they often endure bouts of cold, snowy weather with grace and fortitude.

The first crocus of the season opened its striped goblet on February 13th.

News from the farm

February has been a short, mostly dark month in spite of the rapidly lengthening days, a study in shades of grey, white and green.  Our pleasant but unusually warm winter weather continued on into the first half of the month before descending into more seasonal cold conditions, confounding early shoots, buds and tree frogs.

Daylilies had grown quite a bit during the warmer part of the month, but weather cold and snow reasonably well.

The first of snow fell, leaving a pristine coverlet of white across the emerald green of the farm; many passing storms brought frequent squalls of varying flake sizes. The wind’s movements about the farm were recorded in the ringing of the chimes and in the patterns of the driven, swirling plates, giving form and intent to the invisible.  Fog crawled over the hills and down into the low areas, shrouding the perimeter and sealing us in.   Daffodils patiently waited with bowed trumpets; crocus goblets were tightly folded up like umbrellas; frogs remained silent. Old Man Winter was passing through.

Crocus buds in the barrel planter remained tightly folded.

One of many nightly rounds of snow that fell during the night, only to retreat during the day.

The ground, still relatively warm, did not tolerate her covers for long, throwing them off and leaving snow stranded in the cooler branches with their nested lichens like cotton balls.

The ground is still relatively warm, leaving snow on the cooler branches above. The combination of white and green was particularly beautiful.

The land is in transition from winter’s fitful sleep and petulant late season storms.  Grass continues to green and grow; buds fatten and determined tree frogs will perform their symphonies on warmer nights.  Spring will soon arrive.

News from the Cats of Salmon Brook Farms

Resident Feline Correspondent Mr. Nano, ever watchful.

Resident Feline Correspondent Mr. Nano had assigned this month’s report to corespondents Mr. Lucio and Miss Nod, but they were too busy napping and keeping an eye on the other residents.


Correspondent Mr. Lucio (left) and Corespondent Miss Nod (right) had other plans.

Miss Nod’s sisters Miss Wynken and Miss Blynken volunteered to report their findings of February instead.  Without further ado, Miss Wynken and Miss Blynken will present their findings.

Correspondents Miss Wynken and Miss Blynken on the job, gathering news.

Corespondent Miss Blynken says they are ready with their report.

In early February we continued to wake to darkness, barn lights still glowing on the distant hills as morning attempted to shake off the long mid winter night.   On warmer, sunnier days it didn’t take long for the uniform grey to dissolve into a variety of cloud forms, from ragged, heavy cumulus to cottonball-like altoculumus and wispy cirrus; temperatures sometimes rose into the mid 60s.

The sun’s steady journey north continues; the point of emergence over the eastern hills will change rapidly now. At equinox, it will shine directly in our east window, our own Stonehenge of sorts.  On clearer mornings, we watched the mists rise from damp earth, coalescing into milky rivers winding around the base of nearby hills.  On these days, all is rising and becoming cloud, wandering up and away over the Cascades.

On cloudy days, the sky may eventually clear enough to allow the sun to briefly kiss the hills with golden light at sundown.  The colors in the east will transition, becoming darker on the horizon as the last longer rays of sunlight fade.  After nightfall, we look for the constellation Orion, and the moon at its various points in its cycle.

The eastern horizon after sundown on February 13th.

The last light fades in the west on February 13th.

February marks the return of the American robin, Turdus migratorius, to the farm in large numbers. They have been particularly fond of scratching about under the rose bushes.

The giant has come back to visit the greenhouse, and unwittingly disturbed the winter residents who wished nothing more than a dry, quiet place to sleep away the cold.   An overwintering yellowjacket queen was found in a pile of seed trays out in the new cement pad greenhouse. Torpid and helpless, she was put back in a protected place. A fat-bodied brown-colored spider was nestled in another set of tray inserts, complete with long-dead prey wrapped in silk.  Size and strength determine many an outcome in this game of life.

February 15th marked  a return to cooler conditions, decelerating the headlong rush into early spring initiated by January’s unusual warmth. Our frogs were mostly quiet at last rounds on this particular evening, not finding the day’s weather pattern to their liking. The  thermometer spider was actively hunting on her web that evening, undaunted by a cold morning start and a temperature that evening of 42 degrees.

The first snow of the season fell on February 18th.  We awoke to a light frosting and overcast skies that day. There is something magical about the first snow; heavy skies that are neither grey nor white seem to be one with the earth below as they meet in a fury of drifting, swirling precipitation.  A light wind drove the flakes at a gentle angle before it. Although the temperature was hovering just below 32 degrees, the ground was still relatively warm, resulting in a slushy, slippery footing just below the pristine white coverlet.

Sky and Earth become one in a snowstorm.

Daylilies frosted with snow. The walkway was quite slippery.

Our thermometer spider appears to have company now; a second web occupied by a smaller spider has been built further down and at an angle to the larger spider’s web.

The porch spider only comes out after dark, and has been rather elusive.

All has returned to green as of today, February 25th, as a steady rain falls.  It was 38 degrees at daybreak; a light wind at ground level was accompanied fast moving, low-hanging clouds, dragging their bottoms across the hills like heavily laden ships in aerial seas.  Trees, festooned with water-swollen lichens and moss, appear to have a covering of new spring growth if viewed from a distance.  It is not long now until the arrival of spring.

We wish our readers a pleasant evening ahead, and safe travels to wherever their destination in life may lead them.

View of Mt. Hood from the plane coming into PDX in February, 2017.

– Resident Feline Correspondents Miss Wynken and Miss Blynken, reporting for Salmon Brook Farms

Music news (schedule posted on the Performance Schedule page)

I continue to enjoy playing out again.  February has been busier than I expected, but I do hope to be catching up with some projects in March.

For those readers who are new or catching up, the Salmon Brook Farms YouTube channel now has content, and our first Tiny Farm Concerts one song music video was posted at the end of March. I am 14 years older and a good bit more grey since my first and only CD was released back in 2003, but still in the saddle. It has been an interesting ride, with more to come! Do keep an eye on more content appearing from time to time.

For those who have missed previous posts and wish to view the channel content, here are links to the previous two videos.

The Orchard, our distributor, has placed some of our music from the Keepsake CD on YouTube. Anyone wishing to see the entire track listing and stories behind the songs should visit my personal page under MUSIC in the menu at the top of this post. Depending on what country you live in, the music placed on YouTube by The Orchard may be blocked. Readers can also access some songs from the CD via the old IUMA archive site. See

In the meantime, in your area, wherever you may be, please do all you can to help keep your own local music alive. Go out and see someone you don’t know, host a house concert, download songs or buy CDs. Or even just stop for a minute to hear someone at a Farmers’ Market. Live, local musicians provide a wealth of talent most people will never hear about in this age of iPods, Internet and TV.

Bookings and home-grown produce:

Lavinia and Rick Ross
Salmon Brook Records / Salmon Brook Farms

Spring will arrive soon, with all its promise and renewal.


67 thoughts on “Rick and Lavinia Ross Farm & Music Newsletter for February 2018

  1. Susan Brandt Graham says:

    Hi, Lavinia. Crocus and snow…we have had snow twice since the first bloom here. They ARE tough. Love the cat pics and report. I also appreciate the look ahead to Spring with the fruit tree in bloom. And, thank you for the music.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Good Morning Dear Lavinia, it is as always so nice to hear you, February is a short month but I felt so long…. 🙂 I miss your cat world! They seem so lovely, How can you deal with all of them, it’s been not easy for me to deal our new kitten, İbiş! He s a little monster. There wasn’t snow in here too, just it snowed to the top of the hill but gone soon… We are living such a strange winter climate in here… Today there is a very strong wind from the North… It means cold too… And because of the up and down temperatures, spring flowers are coming up… But there is still March before us…

    I am glad to hear you were/are busy with music, I wished to be there and to follow you… Thank you dear Lavinia, have a nice new month and enjoyable times, Love, nia

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good morning, dear Nia! Thank you so much for stopping by and for the kind comments! Nine cats is a lot of kitty activity to workaround, but they are all well-behaved, mostly. 🙂 Your little İbiş is so full of energy! It took our Abby cat a full 13 years to settle down. She’ll be 16 in April.

      It is snowing here again this morning, and the sun is shining, too. I just took a few hurried photos and hope some came out.

      I will get back to visiting you all soon. This is another crazy week. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Good Morning dear Lavinia, how are you? Yesterday we were listening to you with my kitten İbiş! I wanted to share, there was a wonderful calmness in the home while we were with you 🙂

        Thank you again, have a wonderful day, Love and Hugs to you all, from me and from İbiş, nia

        Liked by 1 person

      • Always good to see you, Nia! Thank you for stopping by with little İbiş, and for the kind comments! He is a dear kitty, and I am glad you were able to take him in.

        Princess Suriya’s spring flowers are emerging. First the orange crocus, and now the daffodils that were planted for her in the fall. I will send you some photos soon. She will get some bearded iris, too. I went through the beds and I have plenty to divide and transplant. 🙂

        I am slowly getting around and will visit your wonderful blog this weekend. Much love and hugs to you and your family in your beautiful Turkish homeland.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for stopping by, Derrick, and for the kind comments! I haven’t been able to get close enough to the spider to identify her yet. She seems to like to work her web after dark until it drops below 40 degrees.

      Wynken and Blynken are studious cats. Even little Nod, when she decides to pay attention to what’s going on outside. 🙂

      I will get back to visiting you all soon. This is another crazy week. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Currently buried in snow here, but the kitty boys and I are warm and enjoying the indoors for a few weeks (?) more. I do look forward to spotting tulips and hyacinths popping through the litter, but the thing I look forward to more is the yellow climbing rose to put out blossoms!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I don’t remember making the acquaintance of the Misses Wynken, Blynken, and Nod before–they are a gorgeous set of sisters! You had your first real snow and I hope we’ve had out last real snow of the season. I’m ready for circuses and daffodils!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good to see you Kerry! The Three Sisters kitties have been with us since 2013, and are on the Cats of Salmon Brook Farms page along with the rest of the crew. It is hard to get them to sit still for photographs; I usually end up with nose photos. 🙂

      It is snowing here again this morning. Mother Nature is not done with us yet. 🙂

      I will get back to visiting you all soon. This is another crazy week. 🙂


  5. Always great to have another post from one of my favorite people! Funny, I think we have a relative to your spider, but I’ll have to call mine the hibiscus-spider, only out at night and joining the bushes to our home! haha My crocus are having a tough time. They came up like clockwork, started growing – but we are having 85* temps and i don’t think they like it much. Say HI to the Feline Correspondents and of course Rick!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Always good to see you, GP! The weather patterns seem to be a bit strange all over these days. I can picture your crocus coming up in 85 degree temperatures and feeling a bit confused! We have had years where it was in the 90s in April, then back to cold and wet. That was a tough year in the vineyard! It is snowing again here this morning, but the robins are out scratching for worms. Your hibiscus spider sounds interesting. I have not been able to get a good look at our one here to make an identification.

      I still have Michael’s tree barricaded, as I see continuing signs of deer in the year.

      I will pass on your hello to Rick and the kitties. I will get back to visiting you all soon. This is another crazy week. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for stopping by, Marian, and for the kind comments! I am glad you enjoy the music! 🙂

      Our weather has been a bit unusual this winter, with a spring-like January and a more winter-like second half of February. We can get snowstorms into March and April, but in my part of Oregon at our elevation, it usually does not stay long. We had snow again this morning; it is now 50 degrees and the grass is green again this afternoon.

      Wishing you and your family all the best, Marian. You have a fascinating blog on dairy farming in Australia. You and your family work hard and are good stewards of your animals and the land.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by from gardeninacity, Jason! Those crocus with their delicate goblets and bright orange-gold stamens are so beautiful in late winter. You have quite a collection of daffodils and crocus in your garden, too. I’ll be over to have a look. I will get back to visiting you all soon. This is another crazy week. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I know I have said this before but your writing is so wonderful! Your descriptions of the weather and your farm have me entranced! We too, have had to wait until the end of February for true winter weather, with snow and frost and ice. Fortunately, the sun is getting stronger every day and the snow shouldn’t last too long.
    Your photograph of the crocus is a beauty and I loved seeing your trees covered in blossom-like snow.
    Take care my dear Lavinia, and best wishes to Rick and all your cats xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is always good to see you, Clare! Thank you for stopping by, and for the kind comments! I love those little crocus flowers in late winter. Our winter weather seems to paralleling yours. It was 25 degrees this morning, and is 40 degrees tonights and the frogs are singing away out there.

      March is going to be another month with two full moons, on the 1st and 31st. Spring is only about 3 weeks away now.

      Love to you and your family, Clare! All the best from the cats and crew here.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Hooray! The February newsletter is here. I look forward at the end of each month to reading your beautiful writing about nature — to dwell in the special quality of them for a while. I see the feline correspondents have also contributed skillfully in this regard. Please thank them for me. Their writing outshines mine, for sure!
    I love your music, Lavinia. My best to Rick and the feline members of the household.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for stopping by from Canada, and for the kind comments, Cynthia! I write about where I like to reside. It is my own place of peace, a place of my own to listen to the wind, and record what it tells me. I thank you for your encouragement; it means a lot to me.

      If you haven’t read anything by Roger Deakin yet, his nature writings are very inspiring. Sadly, he passed away in 2006.

      The cats have been busy recording their observations in their little notebooks, and Mr. Nano is a good tutor. 🙂 They thank you, but agree their writing cannot compare to yours! Everyone here sends their best to you and your family. Hoping spring arrives soon! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Oh I wish I was there to pat those beautiful kitties .. mind you our weather is much warmer 🙂 Wonderful images Lavinia, I hope spring isn’t too far away. Love the shot of the crocus and the trees laden with cotton balls ..

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for stopping by from Frog Pond Farm New Zealand, Julie, and for the kind comments! The weather forecast is looking a bit better this week. With only three weeks left until the spring equinox, I hope they are right! 🙂

      The crocus is such a dear little flower to see in late winter. April could possibly still present us with some short-lived snow, so we could see the cotton balls in the bushes and trees again, too!

      The kitties send their best to you and your family, and their New Zealand kitty cousins. 🙂 Looking forward to your next post, Julie!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. i continue ,I submitted unvoluntarily. So now we have rain and the fields are fields of mud .? I always am surprised to see the farmers in hurry plowing those fields with their enormous engines. I am not sure this is so good for the soils
    ;Again all of my compliments for the close photos of your headers . they are spectacular
    Love ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is always good to see you, Michel! Thank you for the kind comments! I am glad you like the crocus photos. 🙂

      All is fairly wet here, too, still being our rainy season. We do not till our soils, but instead use the Ruth Stout method of layering cardboard down and then adding compost, manure, straw and leaves.

      Love to you and the family, ❤


  10. The crocus is entrancing. I would envy it — we’re denied some of those cold-loving flowers — but spring is rolling along here so quickly and so enthusiastically, there’s soon not going to be any way to keep up with it. Trees, flowers, and grasses all are beginning to bud and bloom, and the fragrance on the air is remarkable.

    Somehow I missed that you have three kitties named Miss Wynken, Miss Blynken, and Miss Nod. That poem is one that I remember with deep affection. My mother often read it to me as a child: so often that it stays in my memory now, and any mention of any of the names starts the recitation in my head!

    I haven’t explored all your tabs as I should. I’m going to do that — for the music and cats, of course, but also for the other intriguing roads to travel, such as the farmers’ markets and farm-to-table information. It won’t be long until the spring gardens are coming in. The strawberries already are being picked, and I must make sure to get some before the season is over! It began in January, got slowed down by freezing weather, but now is back in full force. Other local produce is available, too — kale, cabbage, radishes, and so on. I’m trying to learn to enjoy kale, in order to atone for refusing Brussels sprouts. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is always good to see you, Linda! Thank you for stopping by. I am slower at getting around to everyone these days, but I will be visiting soon.

      I love the poem, too. Wynken, Blynken and Nod are also know as The Three Sisters here. They are all siblings from the same feral mother cat we rescued in 2013. The mother and their little orange tabby brother are living with a friend. The three girls were all very close, and I didn’t want to break up the family any further, so we kept them. Here is a photo of them as kittens. The little orange nucleus is their brother, Tio Pepe. The girls have lost the dark tabby stripes on their heads, and are all white now.

      Kale is so good, and good for you. It self seeds readily, at least here. We’ve grown broccoli, but have not tried growing Brussels sprouts yet.

      Your Texas in springtime sounds so beautiful! I’ve only been through in July and August in the blistering heat. I hope to see it in spring some year, and see those gorgeous Texas bluebonnets, Lupinus texensis.

      All the best to you. Thank you again for visiting!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Always good to see you, Annie! We were worried about early bud break here for a while, but I think we are back to right on schedule now, unless Mother Nature pulls a fast one. Yes, Spring is a bossy one, driving us all before her in that flurry of buds, blooms and rapidly growing grass. The daylight hours are growing quickly now as well, and soon we will be out there after dinner. I like that time of day, though, as I see more wildlife.

      I am slower at getting around to people these days since I have been getting more done here and playing more music out. The days go by all too fast. I will visit soon. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Ah Lavinia, a beautiful lyrical letter, soul soothing songs, pretty photos — and kitties!
    I’m sorry to be late. Apparently I can’t absorb the fact that a new month has begun, even 8 days into it… o_O The crocus and the one of Wynken and Blynken are sublime. Wishing you a beautiful weekend. Happy Women’s Day.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is always good to see you, Teagan, whenever you get here! I am always behind, especially now. And thank you for the kind comments!

      I am amazed it is already the 8th of March. This year will be over and done with before I know it! A Happy Women’s Day to you, too, and give little Crystal a good scritch from me. The cats and crew send you a big “Meow!” and lots of hugs! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  12. You haven’t had too much snow as it appears. I hope there won’t be much more for us in Canada.
    I think everybody who deals with plants and farming is impatiently waiting for spring.
    I absolutely agree that the local art and music should be kept alive and going. The big starts do not care about your neighborhood, the local artists do, and they should be supported because that is what most of art or music related people are short of: financial and spiritual support.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I hope we are also done with the snow here for the year, although April can sometimes throw us a surprise. I am already seeing bud break in the crab apple trees up front, so spring is not far off now.

      I agree, the small artists and musicians don’t have much support, and we appreciate what does come our way.

      Speaking of art, readers please visit Inese at


  13. Hello dear friends at Salmon Brook Farms! Look at you enjoying three seasons in one month! Impressive 😀 I especially took note of the photo of green grass and white trees (enlarged that one). Such a dichotomy of feelings when I see such marvels. It’s not likely to ever see that here. We get snow usually by October. This year it was Halloween night (bad timing). By then, the evening temps are chilly and so is the ground. We’re just starting to see snow melt here. There was a major snow storm while I was away. How lovely to hear from Wynken and Blynken too. They are just gorgeous with their pristine coats the colour of fresh white cotton. I’ve just returned from 5 weeks away and enjoying my visits with my favourite bloggers. So happy to hear all is right in the world with you. Cheers from here, x Boomdee

    Liked by 1 person

    • Boomdee! Good to see you and thank you for the kind comments! April can still trow a freak storm or two at us, but I am hoping Mother Nature is all done with that for the year. 🙂 Wynken and Blynken thank you for the compliments, too! Little Nod will file a report next time; she is the other white sister cat with one blue eye and one yellow-green eye.

      5 weeks away down south away from the frozen north must have been a real treat, Boomdee! Looking forward to the report. Much love from all of us here. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  14. At long last I’ve come to visit! Thank you for your lovely photos, as always, Lavinia. I like the contrasting view of the area with snow and blossoming trees. You are so far ahead of us in the emergence of spring. Winter is holding on here like a dog on a bone, rarely going above 41˚ and into the low 30’s at night. We just went through 2 Nor’easters – our county, and much of the state, declared a state of emergency with power out for many for well over a week. Happily, I was luckier – only 5 hours in the first storm. Your photos of spring give me hope!The Misses Wynken and Blynken are doing a fine job of reporting. As to the spiders? I never once saw a circumstance around my house where for a while there were two, and then one day, there was one. And we all know what happened! Happy almost-here-Spring!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Always good to see you, Jeanne! Thank you for stopping by, and for the kind comments! Oregon’s Willamette Valley has a relatively mild climate. The Northeast, where I am originally from, has been getting more than its share of snow and winter weather! We can get surprise snows in March or April in my area of Oregon, and I am hoping that will not happen this year. Some trees in the area have started to bloom, although ours are still in the fat bud stage. The plums will bloom first, followed by pear, cherry and finally apple trees.

      The cats all send their best to you, and thank you for your compliments. 🙂 Our porch spiders are both gone now, as are the webs.

      Less than a week until spring now, and the days are growing rapidly longer. A Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you!


  15. Love your header photo of the crocus and your writing is just delightful to read. I miss the crocus and the other spring bulbs. I can’t grow them here. Even tulips are not doing that great. Daffodils did very well this year. I planted some hyacinth for the first time and I just love them. I love all your photos. Winter provides lovely photographs with the light and the shadows and the white snow against the green backdrop or even the bare branches of trees and the emerging buds. Happy Spring to you, Rich and your gorgeous cats.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Always good to see you, Rosalinda! Thank you so much for stopping by and the kind comments, and the cats thank you, too! 🙂 Yes, some kinds of flowers need that cold, dark winter to do well. Winters are normally relatively mild here, but we can see temperatures down into the low 20s, teens and sometimes single digits.

      A Happy Spring to you, too, and I look forward to all those photos of your roses!


  16. Standing like they are the two cats of the farm have a comfortable position to oberserve the map of the sky and the important changes according to the hours and seasons They are precious observers .
    You have good helpers ,lavinia.
    Love ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Always good to see you, Michel! Thank you for stopping by, and the kind comments! Those cats are precious observers, and are wonderful helpers.

      Love to you and the family, ❤


    • Thank you for dropping by, Steve! I have not been close enough to the mountain itself. Mt. Hood is visible from a long way off, but it is on my list of places to see. I’ve been much closer to Mt. Shasta, stopping in at the town of Mt. Shasta for breakfast or lunch at the Black Bear Diner from time to time on our travels over the years. My best memory of Shasta was the last day of our move from Connecticut to Oregon. We passed Mt. Shasta at sunrise in December. The rising sun set off the snow-covered mountain in a brilliant fire of sunrise colors. I had no camera back then, and we had to make time and keep going to get to the closing. That memory is forever burned in mind’s eye.


      • I hope you’ll get to re-create your Mt. Shasta experience and also get close to Mt. Hood. I saw Mt. Hood from Portland in 1978 but, like you, have never approached it. I’ve never even seen Mt. Shasta, nor Mt. Lassen nor Crater Lake. One of these days.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I hope you get to see these treasures of the Cascade Range, Steve! Mt. Lassen I have not been to yet, but that one is also on my list. I would love to repeat that Shasta experience with a camera and time on my hands. The I-5 Shasta pass can be closed in winter after a bad storm. We had forgotten about that, and were lucky that day. Carry chains if you come through in winter.


  17. Wow, you had lots of snow! Yesterday was a hot humid day here. Benji had a hard time staying focused during agility training. The other dogs experienced the same problem. Today it is raining a lot. We would love to go back to cool northern air.

    Liked by 1 person

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