
SBlogoRick and I are two very different musicians, each with our preferred genre, and choice of instruments. Husband and Wife, Farm and Life partners, but not really a musical duo in the traditional sense, we have performed both separately and together over the years. On occasion, I lend my voice in a duet with Rick’s fine picking and singing on a few old folk tunes. In the right venue, our differences in music and style combined with the occasional duet can make an interesting gestalt.  Although Rick has officially retired from music now, you might still see him out and about on rare occasions.

Here you will find the stories behind a couple of our songs. You can find downloadable versions of the songs listed here and more where The Orchard has placed our music.


Never know what will show up on the web on a search!  An archive of the old IUMA musicians’ site seems to have some of my music up, at least for now.  You can have a free listen there.  People seem to be finding this site and downloading music now, so have a look at the Lavinia Ross page under Music on this blog site to see a listing of all the songs on the Keepsake CD, including background information on why songs were written, or chosen to cover, including tunings used and guitars.

Other links for Lavinia Ross:


December, 2014. Photo credit – Lavinia Ross


May 5, 2015 show at the MCM Grand. Photo taken from the video with the Linux VLC snapshot function. Photo credit Mike and Liz Santone of Meadowlake Studio and McMinnville Community Media TV.

RICK ROSS – There are a few musicians, and even a cult deprogrammer named Rick Ross out there, which has sometimes caused confusion, even with iTunes management.   Rick Ross the Bluesman, Wine Educator and Farmer got his musical start back in the tail end of the Greenwich Village “folk music scare” days of the 1960s.

Links for Rick Ross:

18 thoughts on “Music

    • Thanks for stopping by! It is possible we met at some point, as Rick and I used to tour and have been through New Mexico (long ago), Utah, (long ago) and California.

      I have been enjoying Greg Renfro’s Silver City music site,, and was pleased to find a video of you both performing that beautiful song you co-wrote with him. I don’t remember how I stumbled across his blog, but I am also a big Kate Wolf fan.


      • What a great coincidence and “small world.” Thanks for following his (and my) music. I’ve been at the computer all day updating his site, coincidentally, so I didn’t follow your music links, though I intend to! It looks like we have a lot in common, with gardening/farming, sustainability, and music! And our newest band member, Jeff Ray, is from the Eugene area. Jean


  1. Pingback: Singing - A Moment in Time - Art in Nature - The Beauty of the Moment: Art

  2. This is the first time I am on this post Lavinia . I heard you a few days ago (‘ I subscribed two years ago or more ). I see you above in 2014 and in 2015, . I hope hearing and seeing you this year , for Christmas ? 🙂
    Love ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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