Music and Farm, The Cycle of Life

Rick and Lavinia Ross Farm & Music Newsletter for March 2017

Our  feature photo for March is of the only surviving Apple Blossom tulips planted many years ago.  Out of 100 bulbs planted, marauding gophers missed a few of them, for which we are grateful.  These are the only ones left.  Raindrops from an early morning shower still cling to recently emerged soft pink blooms, leaf and stem in this patch of semi-wild garden.  A daffodil in the background off to the right nods a pleasant good morning under grey skies.

Apple Blossom tulips. Click on any photo on this blog site to enlarge.

This morning’s rugged skies.

News from the farm

Spring has arrived on our little farm in the Cascade foothills, although she took the longer, less traveled road this year.  It seems that Old Man Winter was not quite ready to relinquish his hold in this realm; he has been taking his time moving along, even as the sun moves further north and the days rapidly grow longer.  Breezes moving about the farm still nip and claw; they have yet to realize he is leaving them behind.  Spring’s carriage found itself buffeted by cold rain and bogged down in muddy ruts; her heralds, on many days, awoke bewildered, covered in frost.  Yet as rumpled and disheveled as I have ever seen her, she has finally settled in; the land and all its creatures have been quick to respond to her gentle smile and warm caress.  Buds are swelling, and there are signs of her everywhere, from the colorful trumpets of daffodils and delicate goblets of crocuses with their bright orange stamens to the tiny red flowers of hazelnuts.  Windows open for a few hours on warmer days in March, allowing an exchange of clean, outside air.  At night, a chorus of frogs indicates all is well, at least in this corner of the world.

Bright faces of daffodils grace the farm.

Crocus, always a welcome sign of warmer days to come.

Tiny red female flowers of hazelnuts often start blooming in February. They were a bit delayed this year.

More hazelnut flowers, Lilliputian beauties.

The atmospheric rivers of moisture that flow through this region at this time of year are still swollen with heavy clouds.  The sun frantically bobs into view now and then amid stiff winds and a fractured sky, when many levels of cloud can be seen. Sometimes one can peer all the way up into the quiescent blue above the ripples and eddies, and wonder at the turbulence below.  The range of color from stark white through charcoal grey, along with the layered, textural appearance of these wandering, coalescing masses of water vapor and dust intrigue me.  These shape-shifters of the heavens often move along at a fast clip, frequently changing the lighting and the view outside my window. Each scene a snapshot in time to be cherished and remembered, solely for it is, and that I was present to witness it unfolding.

Although this photo is from January, I found it a most interesting view of our sky.

News from the Cats of Salmon Brook Farms

Resident correspondents Mr. Marcus, Mr. Lucio and Mr. Nano are off on assignment, and will file a report for April’s newsletter.  They are still debating as to which one of them will actually write it.

Resident correspondents Mr. Marcus (left), Mr. Lucio (center) and Mr. Nano (right). Mr. Nano has a nose for news, and has spotted something going on out there.

Correspondents Mr. Marcus and Mr. Lucio joining in on the investigation.

Correspondent Lucio is sure he will get Mr. Marcus or Mr. Nano to actually write the report, from his viewpoint, of course.

Miss. Willow, calico matriarch, is tired of winter and longs for sunnier days.

Northeast Regional Feline Correspondent Otis and the lovely Izzy will present news from the far eastern farmlands of Connecticut this month.  Without further ado, Miss Willow, our calico matriarch, would like to turn this section of the newsletter over to Mr Otis.


It was March 14th when I started writing this report, and blizzard Eugene was raging outside the log cabin. Snow, sleet, rain, and wild winds was the mixed bag of weather Eugene was throwing at us.  Birds were braving the 23 mph winds to frantically consume as much birdseed as possible to keep their energy levels up.  The feeders had to be filled twice during the storm!  They certainly did not need to worry about me venturing out to intimidate them!  It is difficult for the birds to manage in these weather extremes, so I was happy to just watch them from the dining room window.

Photo credit C. M.

The month of March is such a tease!  March likes to toy with us, like a cat with a mouse (hate using this comparison!).  One breathes a sigh of relief at the end of February thinking at last spring is around the corner with the worse behind us and longer, warmer days ahead.  But, NO, that is rarely the case!!    It was just 60 degrees and sunny a week ago and then brutal cold and winds descended upon us for 3 days!  Some of the deciduous trees actually had the beginnings of buds on them and the ponies began shedding their winter coats over the last 2 weeks.  My mistress found a beautiful robin the other day…frozen.  It must have been blown into the side of the barn and stunned, never to awaken before the cold grasped it with its deadly hold.  She brought it up to UConn’s ornithology lab, so that its body might be used for science.

Since winter is not yet ready to relinquish its hold on Connecticut I find myself napping in warm places and will continue to do so until Spring finally usurps and wrestles control from Winter.  I have spent most of these winter days in my newly claimed cat bed.  The bed is really a dog bed.  It originally belonged to Rosie, but being in charge of household matters, I took it over.  It is comfortable and fits me perfectly and Rosie does not challenge me for it back.  Plus, my mistress has placed it next to the radiator so it gets very warm, which is something my old bones love.

Correspondent Otis has taken over Rosie’s bed, and has no intention of giving it up. Photo credit C. M.

We are all going stir crazy. Izzy has taken to exploring various spots in the cabin.  One of her favorite spots is sitting over the door to Master Rob’s bedroom.  She also has taken to jumping into waste paper baskets and peering out at us all.  It is kind of creepy…almost like she is planning some future attack.

The lovely Izzy engaged in espionage. Photo credit C. M.

Like me, Izzy has also found a new bed.  She has taken to napping in Sadie’s bed at the top of the stairs and refuses to give it up even when Sadie tries to push it over on her. The dogs, too, are finding this transition month challenging.  Their greatest excitement is in chasing the crows and squirrels from the feeders and barking incessantly at the turkeys that have started displaying their mating activities in the backyard.

The ponies spend their days rolling in the snow and sunbathing.  They, too, are bored and get excited when the 4-H kids come to groom them or dinnertime arrives.  Certainly the term ‘hay burners’ is an appropriate description for them in this weather since the heat generated in their hindgut during digestion is what keeps them warm in the colder temperatures.  They actually enjoy being out in cold and even though they had shelter from the blizzard, they still enjoyed playing out in the wild weather.

Snow collecting on equine residents. Photo credit C. M.

Waiting out the late winter weather. Photo credit C M.

Let’s hope that the next time I write it will be SUNNY and WARM in this part of the world!  Let’s hope I will be able to send you some pictures of Spring in full swing!  In the meantime, back to my napping and other relaxing activities!

Correspondent Otis, off-duty and warming up. Photo credit C. M.

– Otis, Northeast Regional Feline Correspondent

Music news (schedule posted on the Performance Schedule page)

The Salmon Brook Farms YouTube channel finally has content, and our first Tiny Farm Concerts one song music video is posted!  I am 14 years older and a good bit more grey since my first and only CD was released back in 2003, but still in the saddle.  It has been an interesting ride, with more to come!

The Orchard, our distributor, has placed some of our music from the Keepsake CD on YouTube.  Anyone wishing to see the entire track listing and stories behind the songs should visit my personal page under MUSIC in the menu at the top of this post.   Depending on what country you live in, the music placed on YouTube by The Orchard may be blocked.  Readers can also access some songs from the CD via the old IUMA archive site.  See

In the meantime, in your area, wherever you may be, please do all you can to help keep your own local music alive. Go out and see someone you don’t know, host a house concert, download songs or buy CDs. Or even just stop for a minute to hear someone at a Farmers’ Market. Live, local musicians provide a wealth of talent most people will never hear about in this age of iPods, Internet and TV.

Bookings and home-grown produce:
Lavinia and Rick Ross
Salmon Brook Records / Salmon Brook Farms

For Baz, Janet and TomO. Daffodils in Archie, Marion and Merle’s memorial garden.

Herman and Mr. Bowie’s cherry tree garden in memory of Herman’s mother, brother, sister, and cats Glippie and Mrs. Jones. Readers will see various memorial gardens throughout the year.


93 thoughts on “Rick and Lavinia Ross Farm & Music Newsletter for March 2017

  1. Timothy Price says:

    Love the youtube videos. I love the sound of your voice and your Guild, but your Guild is overpowering your voice a little in “Weary Stranger”. It’s really great to watch you play and sing. I really like your silver hair. It’s the same color as our new kitty Silver.

    You have a lot of the same flowers blooming as we do, but we don’t have the same trees as you. Your kitties are looking good. It’s always fun to get the Otis Report.

    Keep the music coming!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Tim, thanks for stopping by, as always, and that is good feedback. I was using the built in mics of the video camera (Sony HDR-MV1). The vocals do need supplementation, and I will be experimenting with that. That guitar is loud, and my vocals tend to be soft.

      The last couple of years have really brought on the silver sheen. I am hoping all the medical problems are behind me now, and life goes on better than before.

      The cats and crew here send their regards, and I’ll let CM know Mr. Otis’s fine reporting is appreciated. 🙂 Always good to see what you are finding with your lens down there in New Mexico. You live in beautiful country! All the best to you & Laurie, Tristan, cats, parrots and Blue the Boa.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Timothy Price says:

        Your Sony’s built in mikes have great sound for sure, but it can be awfully hard to balance sound using built in mikes. I’m hoping all your medical problems are behind you, also. All our critters say hi.

        Liked by 1 person

      • You are correct,Tim. The mics are good, but hard to balance the sound for someone like me with a soft voice and a loud guitar, and I play it softly. That 12 has a loud voice. I went for expediency this round while I learn to use this system and figure out what I need. It’s a lot easier just to make a vocal recording! I’m looking into new/additional equipment. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Timothy Price says:

        Lavina, do you have Audacity software? It has the ability to separate vocal and instruments so you can remix the audio. There is a Linux version available.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Good to see you, Phenny’s Mom & Dad! Yes, February and March over here have been very wet and cool, so blooms are hanging around longer. Speaking of flowers, I will be getting in bulbs for angels Easy, Fiona and Sammy this year. They will have their own spot in the garden.

      Thank you for listening, and your very kind comments on the music. I’m looking forward to catching up with all of you now. March has been a busy month! All the best to you and your family over at Give that Phenny pup a good scritch behind the ears for me. 🙂


  2. I love Spring time, and how wonderful spring is there too… Flowers are so beautiful, especially header photograph of tulip fascinated me dear Lavinia. Your cats are so lovely, Loved their photographs too. But in this post there is something I loved more than everything…. your video, your voice, your song. You are very special, dear Lavinia. Thank you, Blessing and Happiness to you ALL there, love & Hugs, nia

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nia, so god to see you! I am glad you liked the tulips. You should have seen the first year when 100 of those bloomed! The gophers slowly found them, and ate them all except for this small bunch.

      Thank you for the kind thoughts on the music, and glad you liked the video! Another CD will come out, and I will be posting more songs on the YouTube channel.

      I’m looking forward to catching up with all of you now. March has been a busy month! Love to you and your family, and all the cats in Istanbul, Nia!

      Liked by 2 people

      • Even to imagine all those 100 tulips so beautiful 🙂 What a naught gophers ate them all. Thank you dear Lavinia, Love from a cold day (yes today it is cold weather changed again) nia

        Liked by 1 person

      • The only safe places to plant tulip bulbs here are in a barrel planter, or in very gravelly soil up next to a building. The gophers have more trouble there next to a building.

        Cold here too this morning, Nia. We had a relatively clear night sky, and now it is overcast again. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Kev says:

    Love your understanding of nature and the seasons through the flowers. Beautiful tulips 🌷 shame there are so few. Izzy had me chuckling, but all the pics are great… especially the January one… The clouds ☁️ make it look like the sky is folding behind the trees. 🌳

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good to see you, Kevin, and thank you for all the kind comments! I do love being here, working with the trees, vines and gardens, and just enjoying observing everything. It is a great comfort.

      I take a lot of pictures of clouds. Some just are so striking, and the camera manages to capture their spirit and beauty. It does look like the sky is folding there.

      Tulips and gophers – tulips are gopher candy, unfortunately. You should have seen the first year when 100 of those bloomed en masse.

      I’m looking forward to catching up with all of you now. March has been a busy month!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. It’s hard when Spring has to fight for arrival. I’m sure that resident cats Mr. Marcus, Mr. Lucio and Mr. Nano will have plenty to say when they’ve had a good dose of warm sun puddles to laze it out in. Miss. Willow will no doubt have a say in the matter.

    Otis at least has kept us up to date with snow, dogs, horses and cats — chilly!

    Loving your music! Are you building up to another CD? Please keep going…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good to see you, Annie! Yes, Spring fighting for survival is a good way to put it, and it certainly feels that way. April can, and has on occasion, thrown a snowstorm at us. I am hoping we get through April without and major weather disruptions, hot or cold. Last year we had a spell of weather in the 90s in April, which sent plants into great confusion. We roll with the punches. All the pruning has been done now, and we wait for bud break.

      Good old Otis came through for us again! We love him!

      Another CD is in the works, and more music. Thank you for asking, and for listening!


  5. Herman says:

    Hi Lavinia! Thank you so much for keeping me informed about the beautiful cherry tree garden. This really means a lot to me.

    We always enjoy reading the news from the Cats of Salmon Brook Farms. I hope Mr. Bowie gets motivated to start writing more stories for HoB… He sends his regards to the crew and cats of Salmon Brook Farms.

    Thank you for the music video. Loved the song! I’m currently working on 2 songs to honour my mother, sister and brother. They offer me some kind of comfort.

    Have a nice weekend, Lavinia!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Always good to see you and Mr. Bowie, Herman! The cherry tree garden is slowly filling in as irises and other perennials take hold. There is also a border of coral bells planted around the perimeter of it. Right now in the photo they appear as flat reddish leaves close to the ground. Later they should have pink flowers up on tall stalks.

      The cats and crew here send their best to you and Mr. Bowie. The Boys of Salmon Brook Farms said they will try to get Mr. Bowie a photo of one of those elusive gophers, if they can. Mr. Nano used to wait outside the gopher holes for hours, back in the days when when he lived outdoors, just to get a glimpse of one. 🙂

      Glad you like the video, Herman! Music is a great comfort, and I am looking forward to hearing your songs. You have suffered many losses close to you lately, and you are always in my thoughts and prayers.

      Have a wonderful day filled with dark chocolate, espresso and cat treats, Herman and Mr. Bowie!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Herman says:

        Thank you, Lavinia. I remember my sister was so happy when I told her about your garden for our mother and brother. She loved the thought there was ‘a special garden’ on the other side of the world.

        Liked by 2 people

  6. I love listening to your voice while I read the post. I think Keepsake will always be my favorite. The poor feline correspondents sound as though a bit of ‘cabin fever’ has taken over – Spring better get to Salmon Brook fast!!
    Thanks for new post!!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Good to see you, GP, and thank you for the very kind comments! Yes, we all can’t wait until those windows can be open all the time. Reading the breezes coming in the window is like reading a newspaper for the cats. All kinds of interesting information coming in!

      A photo of Michael’s tree for you, GP. It has been a long winter for them too, with many nights in the 20s. They will green up nicely when the new buds start growing. We need some good sun now. All the best to you and your family. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Such a pleasure to read this post – you write so beautifully…although Mr Otis is a close second but doesn’t quite have your poetic turn of phrase. Mother Nature does seem unhappy these days and our seasons have lost their predictability.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. What a beautifully written letter, Lavinia. I enjoyed every word. I’m with Miss Willow — bring on the sunshine! It’s been a mostly rainy week, followed by a very rainy beginning to the weekend. But TGIF just the same!
    Thank you for the video and links. Superb! I love your music and voice. Sunshine super hugs to you, Rick and all the kitties. 🐱

    Liked by 1 person

    • Always good to see you, Teagan, and thank you for the kind comments! It’s going to be a cold day here today. We had a clear night sky, letting heat escape, and it is now overcast. The furnace is chugging along.

      Thank you for listening, and glad you enjoyed the video! Mega hugs to you and Crystal kitty! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. angela1313 says:

    Wonderful to catch up with all your news. The loss of your tulips reminded me of the year my father had a war with gophers that resembled Bill Murray in Caddy Shack. I was taking herb classes and asked my teacher who recommended mole plants. Planted a pattern of them and saved the remaining bulbs before my father turned the place upside down with traps, baits and poison.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. What a beautiful news letter, Lavinia. It was so nice to listen to your soothing voice while reading and viewing the lovely photos. I’m happy to hear winter has released its grip and now everything can bloom as it should. The tulips are gorgeous!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good to see you, Jill, and thank you so much for the kind comments! It’s a beautiful, sunny day here today, and warmer than yesterday. Glad you enjoyed the music; I enjoy making it.

      Looking forward to catching up with all of you. It’s been a busy month. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Good to see you, Mr. Tootlepedal! Thank you for stopping by and glad you enjoyed the song. We had a 35 degree start to the morning,but the cloud cover has parted and we are enjoying warm sun and mid 50s today. The garden has been producing kale and chives, and the project for next week is getting various seeds started in the warmth of the old garage under plant lights. Our raspberries have survived the winter and are throwing up new canes, some of which will be moved to another barrel planter.

      Here is another photo which didn’t make this post, but shows the state of our lichens and mosses in the hazelnut trees.

      I will be catch up with everyone over the weekend. I know you have been busy over there in Scotland! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I can imagine how beautiful a mass of those lovely tulips must have been, it’s a shame so many critters worldwide see them as a tasty treat. Your cats look so contented and cosy, dreaming of summer mousing perhaps?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by, Kate! Yes, I wish you could have seen all of those tulips blooming! I guess everybody has to eat, and the humans’ gardens look like convenience stores. The kitties are very contented. All stay inside, as there are too many other critters outside here that would eat them, and the road is unforgiving. They have been known, however, to catch the occasional mouse that dares to find his way inside!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. We began planting bulb around our Appalancian Mountain property about 24 years ago, when we built our cabin. Pick-ax was the mode of digging. We planted hundreds of bulbs over years. Now we dig up thousands of bulbs and move them to bear places that benefit from some Spring cheer.

    As to those tulips and gophers, we found that most of our original set of tulips disappeared in a year or to. Squirrels and groundhogs were our thiefs. However, as daffodils are poisonous, if we planted our tulips ringed with daffodils, we had a bit more success with survival.

    Also, sprinkle a little bone-meal around each cluster of bulbs after they bloom, and leave the leaves up for bulb growth until summer when the leaves turn brown.

    Meanwhile, enjoy Spring’s poetry.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for stopping by, Oscar! We are in heavy clay soil here, so the pick-ax is a tool I use a lot. Your property must be very colorful in spring with all those planting! My father’s people are from eastern Kentucky, so I know how beautiful that area is.

      I’ve tried mixing tulips and daffodils together, with no success. Our pocket gophers out here seem to be able to tunnel up from below and distinguish the edible from inedible. The best luck I have had with tulips is in very gravelly soil up against a building. I am watching a small patch of purple tulips up against the garage now for a couple of years. They are coming up again this year, and seem to be growing and dividing nicely. We’ll see how long they last! I do let the leaves die back on their own so the bulbs get the maximum benefit. Bone meal is a great source of calcium.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Hi Lavinia! Well, everyone is having more of a spring than us here in New Jersey, it seems. Glad to see you have things a-blooming on the farm. Thanks for the kitties’ updates, both local and in CT. I also really like that January sky – looks like clouds over a lake. Nice!
    Take care,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good to see you, Jeanne! I heard from a friend in Connecticut they had snow this morning, but did not expect it to last. Today we are seeing low 50s and light rain. Rick and I got a little work done outside this morning before the rain settled in.

      All the best to you, and hope Spring finds her way to NJ soon.


  14. I really enjoyed watching and listening to you perform on Youtube, Lavinia. I see from the comments that you are working on a new CD – great news!
    Your few remaining tulips are very pretty. I have trouble growing tulips because of mice, rabbits and deer. This winter I planted tulips in large tubs and covered the tops in chicken wire. The plants are now uncovered and I am hoping that the deer don’t discover them before they flower!
    I always enjoy looking at your cat photos and look forward to their reports. It was nice to read visiting reporter Otis’ news this month.
    Spring has sprung here and I am pleased to read that your weather is also settling down a little too.
    Take care, my dear Lavinia

    Liked by 1 person

    • Always good to see you Clare! Thank you for coming by and enjoying the spring flowers, cats and music. 🙂 Deer are beautiful creatures, but can be troublesome in our gardens. I have two young cherry trees barricaded with chicken wire to keep the deer from eating them before they are big enough to not be of interest to them.

      I’ll let my friend C. M. know you enjoyed Mr. Otis! She is Mr. Otis and Miss Izzy’s personal secretary, and will convey your regards. 🙂

      It’s been a long winter, here in Oregon and in your beautiful English countryside. Good to see Spring at last! Hope to see some photos of your gardens soon.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. It was so wonderful to hear your voice in the video! After reading about your music it was great to finally hear some it–I loved it! And I love the cat news and the horse news and the bird news–those cats are a funny crew!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Good to see you, Kerry! And thank you for the kind comments, and for listening!

      I’ll let my friend CM know how much you enjoyed Otis and crew. Yes, they are a funny crew! 🙂


    • Thanks for stopping by, Julie, good to see you! Thank you for the kind comments,and for listening!

      It is autumn now in NZ where you are. Looking forward to more news from your farm in this season of plenty! I am way behind on catching up with other blogs this month, but I will get there. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  16. I am glad to read that you’re finally getting some warmer weather. That must be tough for animals and people. Here we are happy to be able to turn off the A/C for a couple of days as the recent storms cooled things a bit.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Anarette, Benji and Mrs. Zulu! Thanks for stopping by! Yes, things are warming up here a bit now, and we may actually get a thunderstorm tomorrow. AC is something we normally don’t think much about here until July.

      I am behind on catching up with everyone this month. Looking forward to seeing what you all have been up to. Bear with me! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • No hurry, there was an oops incident but Benji is fine again. The A/C had to be turned on way too early here. We are at least a month ahead of schedule. Am cherishing the cool mornings with open windows and waking up with bird songs.

        Liked by 1 person

      • We had some tremendously strong winds come through this morning, taking down trees and the power most of the day. About 39,000 people in the area affected. All good now, and supper is on the stove. A cold front came through, and tonight will be a chilly one here. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  17. How lovely to have the company of your music, and gentle voice, on this chilly autumn evening. The memorial gardens are also lovely. Music, friends, memories, cats…..what more can we ask for 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • So good to see you, Gallivanta! Thank you so much for the kind comments. Music, friends, memories and cats make my world, too. I can’t ask for more! A pleasant autumn evening to you there in NZ. A cold front, high hinds and a power outage were our lot for today, and it will be a chilly spring evening here tonight.

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Very poetic “News from the farm” — delightful reading.
    By the way, I hope Misters Marcus, Lucio and Nano don’t get into a cat fight over which of them files a report for April’s newsletter. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by and the kind comment on the writing, Mistermuse! We will see which one of the boys files the feline part of the newsletter at the end of this month! 🙂


  19. You covered the arrival of spring in your area thoroughly, Lavinia. I could picture it with the help of the lovely photos. I remember seasons like that even though we don’t have them here. Thanks for the lovely music. 🙂 — Suzanne

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for stopping by, Suzanne, and the kind comments! Glad you enjoyed the music. We are still in cool, wet weather here. It has been in the 30s the last couple of mornings, although it warms into he 40s and 50s during the day. That hasn’t stopped the cherry and plum trees from blooming through. The first blooms opened the other day. It won’t be long before the air is fragrant with cherry and plum blossoms from all the trees.

      Liked by 1 person

  20. Lavinia, what a wonderful update! I love all of it. I am blown away by the beauty of your writing about Spring – wow. And now I am listening to your gorgeous singing —
    for the second time, as I write. What a treat, Lavinia. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for stopping by, Cynthia; it is always good to see you! Thank you for the kind comments on the writing and the music. I enjoy doing both, and it is always a treat for me when others find something of pleasure there!

      Spring is still cool and wet here, which is extending the daffodil bloom time. The sun is attempting to break through this afternoon, in spite of the weather report this morning.

      Liked by 1 person

  21. Lavinia! Beautiful post. I am listening to “Weary Stranger”.. Oh, it is so beautiful. It gave me chills 😉 Keep it up. Just subscribed to your channel. I am impressed!!!! 😀 Sending love & best wishes. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Inese Poga Art plus Life says:

    I love the slightly pink tulips, wonderful shape, wonderful color, it’s you have a few left.
    The winter didn’t want to leave our place either, and even now in April, it is still chilly and I didn’t start planting anything yet. It’spooring all day today, not nice.
    You probably have full hands of work, but it is so good you can find time for music.
    I went to YouTube and listened the songs. Good voice and nice song. My husband plays guitar and sings, so I love this type of music.
    I wish you lots of spring pleasures during these busy times.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for stopping by and the kind comments, Inese. Always good to see you! Yes, my hands are full these days, and I try to get in as much music as I can.

      The weather is a kaleidoscope of passing storms, sun, and rainbows. Wishing you all the pleasures of spring as well! 🙂


  23. How relaxing to listen to your beautiful voice and guitar playing, Lavinia. So beautiful. ❤ I love your images, especially the tulips. Your cat looks very happy next to the bottle of Southern Comfort. It's many years since I tasted that. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by and the kind comments! I am glad you enjoyed the music and the photos!

      I’ll let my friend C.M. know how much you enjoyed the photo of Mr. Otis with his off-duty activities. Otis and Izzy appear from time to time on the blog as guest correspondents from the far eastern farmlands of Connecticut. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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