Music and Farm

Rick and Lavinia Ross Farm & Music Newsletter for July 2016

Our feature photo this month is of a little Pacific Chorus Frog visitor we had at the end of May.  The fellow had found a nice place to hide during the night behind the roll up windows on the porch greenhouse.  One can see in the following photo he is bent on tucking himself back up into his hiding place again.  At night, I have occasionally unrolled an unsuspecting frog.


Pacific Chorus Frogs, also known as Pacific Tree frogs, are common visitors to the farm, sometimes hiding out in watering cans, plant trays, or hanging baskets. I recently had one of these frogs land on my head when I was watering a hanging basket of petunias. See for more information.

A special word of thanks

Cynthia Reyes, author of A Good Home and An Honest House, recently interviewed us for a blog post on her site.  Her questions were insightful, and I thoroughly enjoyed this interview.  I encourage readers to visit her site, not only to learn more about the residents of Salmon Brook Farms in her post, but especially to learn more about Cynthia Reyes herself, her life and her work.  I own and have read both of her books, and look forward to more from this fine author and very remarkable person.

Readers, please visit

About Cynthia:

Cynthia Reyes on

I feel deeply privileged to be a part of this very diverse online community of bloggers and blog readers.  Thank you all for your likes, comments, views and general support and kindness.  You are all greatly appreciated.

The Salmon Brook Farms interview post:


White rose, variety John Paul. This is our only white rose, planted in memory of my own mother.

News from the farm

Summer, with all her bounty, has fully settled in on our little farm in the Cascade foothills.  July proved to be pleasantly cool and mild for the most part.  We have experienced days with unusually clear and crisp light, the kind that makes colors seem more intense, and the surroundings radiate a vibrancy not normally seen at this time of year.  Rainfall in our area has ceased now, and the grass underfoot slowly browns and curls as it enters its summer dormancy.  It is the time of Queen Anne’s Lace, with her myriad, snowy fractal-like umbrels dancing in the breezes that stir the farm as the land warms in the morning sun.  Coast Dandelions (hypochaeris radicata) and Common Dandelions (taraxacum officinale) wave a colorful hello from the orchard, and mints of several varieties attract what honeybees are out and about this year.  Wind is in one of her playful moods today, occasionally rustling the leaves in the apples trees and ringing the chimes on the porch to get my attention.


Queen Anne’s Lace in our front garden. Thrives at this time of year.


If you look carefully, you can see a couple of the visiting bees. They moved to the undersides of the flower spikes just before I took the photo. Click on any photo in this post to enlarge.

We are also coming into the time of Dust Devils, those carefree vortices that slowly spin their way across large tracts of farmland, sending the dust of Oregon’s fertile valley skyward until the crisp blue above takes on a tan hue.  I close the windows of my car, and turn the ventilation selector to recirculate.  After wheat and grass seed crops are harvested around the Willamette Valley, the soil will be tilled and then finally pulverized by impressively large machines that at a distance, are reminiscent of the giant Sandworms of Dune.  Warm, sunny conditions spawn these children of the Wind, rotating columns of air and dust that go by various names in different countries.  Thought to be the spirits of the deceased in many cultures around the world, Dust Devils visit the valley each year, reminding us of what was, and whispering to those who will listen what will be.

For more information on Dust Devils, see

The original owners were quite thoughtful in planting a variety of bushes, trees and vines.  As one type of fruit is winding down its production, one or more others are coming into ripeness.  Cherries are followed by blueberries, followed by blackberries and raspberries, plums, apples, pears, grapes and finally, persimmons in late October, early November.


Developing purple plums will provide tasty fruit for us soon!

We are pleased that what we thought might be the beginnings of mummy berry in our blueberry patch has turned out not to be the case, and we collected a good 56 quarts of delicious fruit.  This is far more than I thought we might get after the deer destroyed 10 bushes last fall during rutting season.  Most have sent new shoots up from the roots, and if I can keep these protected, will produce fruit next year.  Mother Nature has her own way of enforcing any pruning I cannot get to, so it would seem.  Sometimes pruning is done by neighboring livestock.  This young pear tree I planted 2 years ago was half-eaten by a horse leaning over the fence and pushing aside the 3 layers of hog fencing around tree.  Needless to say, I moved the pear tree to a safer location.


Pear tree with serve pruning by equine arborist.

The warm, dry start followed by cool, wet weather conditions this spring and early summer were conducive to some anomalies showing up later.  We noted what we think may be some crown gall in the main pinot noir vineyard, the first year we have seen any.


Main pinot noir vineyard

Rick also noted a strange phenomenon in the table grapes this year.  He brought some partially grown table grape berries to me, with what at first look appeared to be some sort of insect damage or gall on the fruit.  After cutting the berries in half, it was apparent that some of the seeds had pushed their way through the skin of the developing fruit, and were developing in a thin sack partially outside of the berry.  We have never seen this phenomenon in the 12 going on 13 years we have been here on this farm.  Photographs were sent to the Extension Service, and we are waiting for an explanation.


Our table grapes. This vine is the variety Cascade, deep purple when ripe, and is a seeded variety. Always well ahead of the pinot noir at bud break and veraison, the time of ripening.


News from The Cats of Salmon Brook Farms

Our feline correspondent this month is our own little Miss Hope, sister of Mr. Marcus and one of the Girls of Salmon Brook Farms.  Miss Hope would like readers to know that she and her brother turn 9 years old this August. She says the weather has been quite pleasant, and she enjoys the breezes coming in the window.


Miss Hope, sister of Mr. Marcus


The twins – Miss Hope (left) and Mr. Marcus (right)

Feral kittens born under the old house, the two have had many adventures with the rest of the cat crew over the years.   Miss Hope is also a good wrestler, and can pin down any of the boys in a match except Mr. Lucio.  Most of the time she prefers a good snooze in the guest room, and has been keeping close company with Mr. Nano.


Mr. Lucio (left) and Mr. Marcus (right). Mr. Marcus wants to do everything his buddy is doing!


Mr. Nano. Has been spending more time with Miss. Hope these days.

Music News (schedule posted on the Performance Schedule page)

We enjoyed seeing our friends Laurie Jennings and Dana Keller up at the Silverton Library in July!  They will be performing in Oregon again in August.  Please visit their website at


And as for me?


I am making some progress, along with some setbacks, in terms of my own health.  It has been a long, slow process of recovering from caregiving, and it will have to run its course.I am still on hiatus from performing, but continuing to play and enjoy down time with my guitars while I continue to recuperate.   I learned how to make videos in late winter and do some rudimentary editing.  Technology continues to make leaps and bounds, allowing the small-time geek, tinkerer, and putterer like myself another means of expressing and sharing creativity.  Expect a surprise in months to come!  I won’t promise when, though.  I am savoring this time of few obligations to anyone except myself, the farm, and it inhabitants.


In the meantime, in your area, wherever you may be, please do all you can to help keep your own local music alive. Go out and see someone you don’t know, host a house concert, download songs or buy CDs. Or even just stop for a minute to hear someone at a Farmers’ Market. Live, local musicians provide a wealth of talent most people will never hear about in this age of iPods, Internet and TV.

Bookings and home-grown produce:
Lavinia and Rick Ross
Salmon Brook Records / Salmon Brook Farms


A cardinal flower in one of the front gardens, enjoying a bit of morning sun. Purchased from the local nursery, it brings back memories of the wild ones I would encounter in my youth.


60 thoughts on “Rick and Lavinia Ross Farm & Music Newsletter for July 2016

  1. Timothy Price says:

    That’s a very nice post about your farm on Cynthia’s blog. I love the frog. We only seem to have bullfrogs these days. Grapes look good and the kitties are looking happy. Hang in there with your puttering and recuperating.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Tim, thanks for stopping by and the kind comments, and thanks for visiting Cynthia’s blog site.

      The Internet (ISP problem) was down here for most of yesterday, and is up but still sputtering this morning. I’ll catch up with everyone by tonight or tomorrow, I hope.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Herman says:

    Wish I could go for a walk on your beautiful farm and check out some delicious blueberries… Thanks for another great post, Lavinia.
    Mr. Bowie says “Meow!” to Miss Hope and all The Cats of Salmon Brook Farms!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Herman and Mr. Bowie, thanks for stopping by and the kind comments! If you are ever over on this side of The Pond, give us a shout. Cats and crew would love to meet you! A big “Meow” back from Miss Hope and the cat crew. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Glad to hear there’s been some improvement in your health. You live on a piece of nature’s paradise! But you’ve got to let me know what is going on with those grapes and their seeds – that even looks weird!!
    Take care!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi GP, thanks for stopping by! This is indeed paradise for us! Yes, those grapes do look weird. Never seen that before! I’ll let people know next month what the answer from the Extension Service is, if we have one by then. Veraison, the time of ripening, has already started in the table grapes, a bit early this year. I am thinking this anomaly has something to do with the strange weather patterns this spring. I hope it is not a fungus or a pest issue of some sort. I didn’t find any bugs or signs of bug frass inside the grapes when I cut them open.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Joe, thanks for stopping by and the kind comments! Those frogs show up in the strangest places. They come in several color morphs, but this type is the one we see most often.


    • Mr. Tootlepedal, thank you so much for stopping by! Yes, those grapes are very puzzling. I expected to find an insect inside what I thought were galls, and was quite perplexed to find seeds growing through the skin. I am hoping the Extension Service can give us an answer, which I will post next month if they can give us one. We had an unusually warm end to winter, causing early rapid growth and bud break, followed by a heavy frost and a cool, wet spring which slowed growth down and caused a few fungal problems in places. I suspect weather conditions may have played a role.

      Liked by 1 person

      • The Extension Service sent Rick a reply early this morning. She asked a few more questions, but her preliminary analysis is listed below. We did have two hail storms in June that came through in the same day, so that may be the cause. Stay tuned…

        “If it is what I think it is, it basically is a result of some sort of mechanical damage that occurred to the berry skin that was not enough to damage the whole berry and allowed the rest of the berry to grow and expand while the damaged area remained restricted. This results in the “pushed out seed” phenomenon. I get this inquiry almost every year, and it usually is on a small percentage of berries throughout the vineyard (not on all berries within a given cluster). This year, it seems to be associated with some sleet or small hail damage at the right stage post fruit set. I know there were some sleet storms in mid late June that went through the valley, and this could be to blame.”


      • The Extension agent was right, it was only on a small percentage of grape berries, and not on all of them in a cluster. It does look like the majority of the table grapes will be in good shape. It was a strange finding though, puzzling enough to require a note to the Extension Service.

        Having two hail storms in one day was highly unusual, and the stones shredded the leaves of the eggplant, cucumber, pepper and tomato starts I had planted not long before. What the first storm missed, the second one finished. The plants did regrow their leaves, but it set the plants back a bit.


  4. Great pictures of the cats, as always, especially the twins this time. I hope you find out what’s causing the disorder with the grapes. It does sound strange.
    Yes, ’tis the time of Queen Anne’s Lace, and here we have that lovely blue-lilac wild chicory and the brown-eyed Susans coming up too.
    But mostly, I have to say how lyrical your writing is, Lavinia. It’s breathtaking at times.


    • Hi Cynthia, thanks for stopping by, and for the kind comments! And thank you so much for encouraging my writing. I am honored!

      The twins Hope and Marcus looked so much alike as little kittens it was hard to tell them apart. Even now I can mix them up if I can’t see the tails. A friend of mine has the mother and another sibling named Glenna. They all look very much like the mother kitty.

      The grapes are puzzling. That has never happened here before, and my guess is somehow connected to the strange weather we had this spring. I hope the Extension Service can give us an answer.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I do look forward to your monthly posts Lavinia! Nice to hear the cat news and to see the frog too. It must have been quite a surprise to get a frog on your head! The flowers (and bees!) are lovely but the grapes do look strange – I hope you get good news eventually. Continue to improve in your health Lavinia and enjoy the rest of the summer.
    Clare x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Clare, thanks for stopping by and the kind comments! Those little frogs hide everywhere. One year I had one in the spout of my watering can, and I couldn’t get him out. He backed up down the spout so all I could see was the little nose and eyes peering at me! So I watered with him in there, thinking he might wash out. Instead he clung to the sides, and survived tsunami after tsunami as I watered all the porch plants. He was still in there when I finished, looking at me with those little froggy eyes. Some time later, he vacated his hideout for more stable accommodations. I still think of that little one whenever I get out the watering can.

      Liked by 2 people

      • One group of amphibians I have not seen here are toads. We had lots of them back east, but I have not seen any here. Frogs abound, and I have come across an occasional salamander, but not a single toad.

        Liked by 1 person

      • So sad, that little toad you found that had been mauled by something. I love toads. I just checked the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife site. Alas, Bufo americanus, the “toad of my youth” whom I so long to see, is not listed there, and apparently does not range this far west. There are two other native species, The Western Toad (Bufo boreas), which is listed as living throughout Oregon including desert areas, and Woodhouse’s Toad (Bufo woodhouseii) which only lives in a few places along the Columbia River in sagebrush or grassland areas. In theory, we should have Bufo boreas out and about where I live. We do have a fair number of snakes here, which may keep their numbers down. These toads manufacture skin secretions that make them taste bad, but that may not deter snakes.

        Liked by 1 person

      • The secretions probably put off some creatures but not all. Here in Britain toads are eaten by grass snakes and hedgehogs and we have both of those in our garden. Thanks for the interesting links Lavinia.x

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Susan says:

    Hi, Lavinia. Your Newsletters are always so interesting. I love the frog, along with others wish I were there to enjoy your fruit, and I especially adore all the kitties. Wishing you continued recovery. I’m looking forward to whatever you are planning with new gadgetry. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Susan, thanks for stopping by and the kind comments! Always some new gadgetry going on here. 🙂 I look forward to new developments on your site as well. Your book on seeing color colorblind is fascinating, and I am quite pleased to have discovered you through Timothy Price’s blog site. The cats and crew send their best wishes to you and your family.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. So glad the blueberries turned out to be healthy. I love the look of your fruit trees. Paradise indeed. My mother has a tree frog at her home that likes to hide in folded lawn chairs! It’s amazing where they’ll get to.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by and the kind comments, Arlingwoman, and welcome aboard to Salmon Brook Farms! Western Oregon is such a beautiful place, and the climate is relatively mild, great for growing things. Those tree frogs are amazing little fellows, camping out in odd places. I never know where I’ll find one next, and have to be careful working around out there.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Beautiful photograph of frog, should be waiting for his Princess 🙂 In here I can only hear them at night, but where are they I don’t know… Your farm is amazing and I can imagine to walk in there… Thank your for introducing her blog, I will visit soon, and and yes your cats 🙂 They are so lovely, give them all million kisses for me dear Lavinia, Thank you for this beautiful farm images, news, you almost made me travel there too. Have a nice new week and a wonderful August days, Love, nia

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Nia, thanks for stopping by and the kind comments! I will give those cats a million kisses from you. They all send a big “Meow!” back to you! I am glad you enjoy the farm. I wish you could walk it with me. If you are ever visiting this part of the U.S., do let me know.

      Our Internet was down most of Saturday here, and spotty yesterday morning. I wasn’t sure this post was going out at all this weekend, but our ISP repaired their problem in time. I hope to catch up with you and everyone else by the end of today. All the best to you and your family, dear Nia. Love your photos and stories from your native Turkey. Such a beautiful area of the world!

      Liked by 1 person

      • How nice soul you are, dear Lavinia, especially just for you I wish(ed) to visit your country, and to knock your door 🙂 ah, this is just a dream… First so expensive for me, secondly it takes hours to fly there… 🙂 But spiritually I can feel the beauties, and your kindness and love from here, and you can’t know how makes me feel good and happy. Have a nice day dear Lavinia, Love, nia

        Liked by 1 person

  9. That’s a wonderful blueberry harvest.What did you do with it all? Can one make blueberry wine, I wonder? Not sure, though, why one would want to when they are so delicious when eaten fresh.
    My sister in Cairns, Australia, has regular visits from green tree frogs. They are so pretty. When I was last in Cairns there was a tiny green frog , about half an inch long, on her screened window.

    Glad you are recovering. I, too, enjoyed your interview on Cynthia’s blog.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Gallivanta, and thanks so much for stopping by and the kind comments! We sold some of the berries, but we are eating the rest. They don’t last long around here. They last quite a while stored in the refrigerator. one can never eat enough blueberries!

      The frogs are spending more time around the plantings on the porch now that the weather is drier. They like the moisture in the flower pots. They are enjoyable little people to have about. I enjoyed hearing about your sister’s frog visitors.

      Good to see you out and about as well! Our Internet was down most of Saturday here, and spotty yesterday morning. I hope to catch up with you and everyone else by the end of today. All the best to you and your family.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Such a great post Lavinia. Oh I don’t know what I would to if a frog landed on my head. Shriek for certain! That is so strange re those grapes forming .. I wonder what has caused that. Your cats look wonderful .. And so happy! I’m pleased that you are feeling better …

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Julie, thanks for stopping by and the kind comments! Yes, that froggy landing on my head was quite a surprise! The frogs are spending more time around the plantings on the porch now that the weather is drier. They like the moisture in the flower pots.

      The cats send a big “Meow!” back to you. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Many wonderful (and some odd!) things going on in your part of the world! The weather has been odd in the Northeast US, too, but I don’t think farmers are seeing such obvious anomalies. The photos of the cats make me smile, as do your urgings that we support local music–amen to that!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi KerryCan, thanks for stopping by! We used to live in the Northeast, and moved about the time the winters started getting really severe. This year we had a rather warm end to winter, which stimulated early and rapid growth of plants, followed by a hard frost and a cool, wet spring and early summer which arrested growth of some plants and slowed others down. These conditions can trigger fungal diseases we would not normally experience here. I hope we do get some kind of explanation from the extension service.

      Yes, supporting local music is important! 🙂


    • Hi Linda, thanks for stopping by and the kind comments! The frog is a photogenic little fellow. These frogs abound here, so they are always hiding out in unusual places. I was lucky the lighting was good, and he didn’t want to vacate the screen window.


  12. Dear Lavinia, thank you for another lovely newsletter. I’m glad you added the links to Cynthia’s blog — I enjoyed the interview.
    Applesauce! I wonder who was more surprised, you or the falling froggies! :mrgreen:
    Please do take good care of you. Mega hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Teagan, thanks for stopping by and the kind comments. Glad you enjoyed Cynthia’s interview. I enjoyed working on that with her very much! And thank you for including me among the ranks of featured bloggers on your site, and the very kind and thoughtful vote of confidence you gave me there. It is an honor!

      Those little Chorus frogs are everywhere, hiding any place where there is moisture, and they can stay hidden from predators and the heat of the day. Yes, I was surprised, and I bet the frog was too!

      Liked by 1 person

  13. I thought I recognized your name on my blog…then I pop over here and see Cynthia and Clare. Your photos are beautiful, Lavinia. I love the tree frogs! We actually had one take up residence in our guest bath last winter. I’ll keep you in my prayers for continued good health, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by and the kind comments, Jill! I have learned of many wonderful bloggers through Cynthia and Clare. It is hard for me to keep up with everyone, especially at this time of year, but I do try!

      I love the little frogs too. Back in the old house, we had the same thing happen with a frog showing up in the bathroom. I’m not sure how he got in.

      Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers, Jill. I appreciate them. 🙂


  14. Loved the frog! What an odd growth pattern that the grapes have this year, I’m no expert on them, but I’ve never seen that in any berry in nature.

    I can also relate to the stories of the deer and a horse eating your plants. Unfortunately , many of or fruit trees are very tasty to most animals. The big surprise for me was that deer love roses, thorns and all.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Jerry, thanks for stopping by! The morning light was perfect for photographing the little frog It was still cool enough he was a little sluggish, so I had time to run and get the camera. At this time of year I find them tucked into any cool, moist protected spots they can find.

      Update – see the response to Tootlepedal on the grapes. The Extension service did get back to us. It appears to be mechanical damage, and they get this question every year from different vineyards around the valley. It is the first year we have seen it though!

      Fruit trees are like candy to deer. I have 5 young redwoods started up in the front yard along the south border. I will have to get them protected with deer/bird netting soon here, as I hear deer like them too. when the deer are not eating them, the males scrape the velvet off their antlers on them during the rutting season.

      Roses – yes, unfortunately the deer eat those on us too. We spray with DeerOff, a mixture of what I think is basically hot peppers, garlic and rotten eggs.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hello roughseasinthemed, and thanks for stopping by! Those little chorus frogs are everywhere here. The lighting was perfect that morning, and he was still moving slowly from the night’s chill, so I was able to get a good photo.

      I am so glad you enjoyed Cynthia’s interview with me. She is a wonderful writer and blogger I came to know through Gallivanta’s blog site, and I am forever grateful for that. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  15. A cheery hello you all. I’m now imagining you buried under a giant pile of fruit. Maybe with a wooden spoon in your hand for good measure. You must have a giant pantry. Do you can all these things?
    Amazing that your little Prince Charming looks content just hanging there. How interesting that they’ll hang vertically like that. Not a frog to be seen in the city and certainly not on my head! Crikey, that’d be a fiasco of untold measure, LOL. I used to save them from the lawn at the lake as I mowed. Luckily, they’d bounce off just in the nick of time. I especially loved reading about the garden and the Queen Anne’s Lace stirring the land. I can feel the sun on my face now too.
    The ‘equine arborist’ will be surprised upon return to not see the pear tree nibblies there. I’m sorry it caused you extra work, but it would seem perfectly sensible if I were the arborist to snack on tender goodies within reach. Oh dear, I really don’t know who’s side I’m on, LOL. I will just sympathize with you both, the ol’ Canadian soft shoe..haha. Whisker tickles to all your lovely felines from my very own pampered pets. Their photo’s are are charming. We (Petals, Blossum and I) always love reading their message. big hugs xo K

    Liked by 1 person

    • Boomdee, so good to see you! A cheery hello back to my friend in Alberta! I am laughing thinking about being buried under fruit, which we are. The wooden spoon is a great idea and I would love a large pantry. You must be a mind reader to have picked up on the pantry!

      Our little green guest was still slow moving from the night’s chill, so I was able to run and get the camera. I’ve found them clinging to the outside wall of the house, in flower pots, over doorways, anywhere there is a safe place and a little moisture. I don’t see them in the grass much, mainly just the big slugs.

      The neighbor’s horse was quite disappointed when the tree moved. Can’t blame her for eating the tree, but I was quite upset at the time. 🙂

      A “thank you” and a big “Meow!” back from the cat crew and their human assistants to you, Petals and Blossom. Mr. Otis, the Northeast Regional Feline Correspondent is scheduled to make a guest appearance again at the end of August, with tales from the far eastern parts of this country. Stay tuned!

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Hello Lavinia! Please excuse my late visit to your lovely blog…time has completely run away with me this summer! It was a lovely visit and your description of life on the farm really draws me in to this lovely setting. I loved your description of the dust devils and find them quite fascinating…I don’t think I have ever seen one but I can imagine in times gone by how people could have been quite spooked by them. Love seeing all the beautiful fruit on the farm and it will be interesting to find out what is going on with those grapes. Of course I loved seeing all those photos of those sweet kitties…what characters they are. Thank you for sharing a glimpse into your part of the world.
    – Kate xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Kate, thanks for stopping by and the kind comments! No worries. At this time of year I typically am running behind a week or two keeping up with everyone else, especially with those who post daily. The summer season and all its work get the better of me. Thank you for visiting our part of the world! Dust devils are fascinating aerial phenomena.

      See the comment to Tootlepedal on the grapes. The Extension Service did get back to us. 🙂

      Cats and crew here send their best to you in central Florida. You have a beautiful blog site,

      Liked by 1 person

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